
Arleen Pietrzak


39 year old male
"I am an avid cyclist and raced in the professional class for many years. In 2006 I started having limited range of motion with my right leg near the upper part of my pedal stroke an began to search for help. I went to many different Chiropractors and massage therapists which none were able to help. I dealt with my issue for many years before I had the opportunity to see Arleen. I learned of her extensive and diverse background in body working and anatomy while she interviewed me and developed a plan to address my limitation. After one visit I had functional use of my leg during my pedal stroke. This was a huge breakthrough as no one else had been able to help. Using her prescribed plan and guidance to rebuild my strength in the areas I was lacking, I can gladly say I have full functional use of my leg for the last 3 years."
66 year old male
"I have experienced knee pain for the last 30 years. The pain and weakness gradually increased and I found it necessary to wear knee supports (compression sleeves) for many years. As a result of the constant pain, I was no longer able to participate in my favorite sports. Golf was painful, kayaking impossible, and walking was becoming a challenge. I saw doctors and chiropractors and finally had an MRI to investigate the issue. The diagnosis was arthritis and doctors recommended that I have immediate knee surgery. By January 2014 the pain became unbearable. I could only walk with the assistance of a cane and the increased pain made it impossible to sleep. I didn’t have a solid night sleep for 3 months. Massive amounts of ibuprofen and Tylenol were taken to mask the pain. I searched for appropriate alternative options and found none in Michigan. Arleen Pietrzak discussed an alternative, non-surgical option. We began Skype sessions to review the issues. The suggestions provided some relief. In March, I flew to California for a 10 day session with Arleen. I was given extensive information about the muscles and how they interact. Misalignment of muscles in one part of the body were impacting and causing pain in another part. Arleen was able to discover that the muscles in my hip and hamstring were causing the knee pain. She prescribed therapy massages, custom designed workout sessions and pain was minimized immediately. Arleen is able to explain in a clear and concise way, making the information easy to understand. If the pain reoccurs, I am able to relieve it by using the methods prescribed. After three months of treatment, my knee pain has minimized to the point that I can now golf with no pain, get in and out of a kayak with no problem, climb up and down ladders, and most importantly sleep through the night. Through the therapy sessions , I was taught to retrain the muscles. Thanks to Arleen’s knowledge and passion for helping people, I am now able to enjoy an active and pain free life."
"I started going to Arleen's PUSH therapy after several months of seeing my work-mandated physical therapists and doctors. My hands, wrists, and forearms were in chronic pain with numbness and poor coordination and mobility. When I met Arleen I had undergone numerous tests and was scheduled for cortisone shots and surgery. At this point I was beginning to feel truly depressed and doubtful of being able to get back to the things I love (surfing, rock climbing, turning doorknobs, etc.). Arleen said there was no need for shots or surgery and that she could get me fixed right without them. In our first 15 minute appointment she was able to significantly reduce my pain level and increase mobility. Encouraged by her abilities, I cancelled my scheduled procedures. Now, after seeing her for just a few weeks, I have no pain and nearly full mobility."